How to get in shape in time for spring break

You should start your countdown now

Let’s face it. We’re all already fed up with class, this snow and cold weather.

If you haven’t started your countdown to spring break yet, you should.

For many Terriers, spring break means escaping this tundra we call Boston and heading south to warmer and more ~tropical~ weather.

When you’re spring break af and not stuck in a blizzard

As great as that is, it may be a little spooky for some of us who don’t feel completely confident prancing around in bikinis.

Although every body can and should be considered a “bikini body,” here are some tips to help you feel more confident and get in shape for spring break.

Drink water

I know this sounds kinda obvious. But it’s the number one tip I recommend to anyone trying to kick start weight loss.

Drinking more water will promote a healthy metabolism, aid in digestion (which helps with bloating in the long run) and will help you flush out any bad stuff your body has been holding onto. Drinking water can help you feel fuller and provide your body with a boost of energy.

Before reaching for your morning ‘large iced caramel swirl extra-extra’, try drinking a cup of cold water. You might not be as tired as you think, just dehydrated. Sure, you’re gonna feel bloated at first and have to pee every five minutes. But this too shall pass.

put down those sugar loaded coffees gurl

but pick up that water bottle (especially ones with Tab stickers on them)

Eat more leafy greens

At dinnertime, try to replace your carb or starchy food (potatoes, rice, bread, etc.) with a leafy green vegetable, such as spinach or kale if available.

In the dining hall, an easy way to do this is to add a spinach salad from the salad bar to your meal, and ask for a no carb or starchy item. There is often a vegetable choice that goes with every entrée, so eat that too.

In fact, eat all your vegetables before moving on to your protein item. If you’re still hungry after this, then go ahead and get that carb, gurl. Never go hungry, never starve yourself. That does more harm than good.

stay away from the bread plate…. I repeat. STAY. AWAY.

Eat smaller, more frequent meals

Eating every two to three hours in smaller, healthy portions can help you maintain a fast metabolism. Your body will more efficiently use the energy you get from your food.Also, you’ll never have to feel like you’re starving yourself, which we already noted was BAD.

For example, you could start with a yogurt and a handful of almonds. Then two to three hours later, eat a banana with peanut butter. For your next meal, try eating some lean protein, like chicken, and a vegetable. Keep on this pattern until at least one hour before bedtime.

Make time to be active

Everyone is busy. This is college. That shouldn’t be your only excuse when asked why you don’t go to FitRec. Plus, becoming active could simply start with you walking to class instead of taking the less than reliable T or shuttle service.

Once you actually do get your butt into the gym, don’t just focus on cardio. Weight training can burn just as many calories as slaving away on the elliptical. And you’ll get far more toned in the process. If you don’t know where to start, there are plenty of workout apps and fitness Instagrams to give you some ‘fitspo.’

Some of the best ones are: @sarah_bowmar, @annavictoria, and @shonda1020. The Instagram community has so many fitness accounts that once you start exploring, you’ll find so many helpful tips to motivate you.

Drag a friend with you on your morning walk to class… do NOT take that shuttle smh

Spring break should be fun, not a cause for anxiety. Whatever your plans end up being, just be confident and know that how you see yourself will rub off onto how other people see you. If you are powerful and positive about your self image, others will follow suit.

all you gotta say to the haterz is PEACE OUT

BU national-us