The ultimate list of people you see at FitRec

You are one of them

If you’ve ever been to FitRec, you probably know it’s full of interesting characters.

Not only are the facilities great for getting your sweat on, but they’re also a great place to people-watch.

In countless hours of research we observed the gym-dwellers in their natural habitat.

The crossfitters/hardos

Do you even lift bro?

These are the people who scare you away from all the useful equipment. They make a lot of noise, slam things and usually look like they could eat you for breakfast.

They’re always doing wacky things that make no sense, but they’re jacked as hell so it must be working.

What are you doing??

The Cardio Queens (and Kings)

Something I noticed while at FitRec is that some people can run for hours. I don’t know how they do it, but they do.

I like to call these brave souls Cardio Queens and Kings because I don’t think they ever stop running.

Make note of who’s on the treadmill or the track when you get to FitRec, and then when you leave notice who’s still freaking running. Like wow.

The texters

These people deserve a special place in hell.

They take up all the mats and all the stretching space just to sit on their phones for two hours.

I’m not saying the occasional break in between sets to check Twitter is a crime, but like why are you even at the gym if you’re just going to sit there?

If you ever see me doing this, slap me.

The #squadgoals

Sometimes, if you wait long enough, a squad appears.

It can be a male squad, female squad, or mixed gender squad.

If you have the right group of people around you, your workout can be absolute fire. But it almost always turns into a selfie session.

The selfie takers

what a great selfie wow

These people are often found hanging around with the previously mentioned ‘squad’.

They never seem to get any work done, but get hella likes on their instagramed gym selfies.

The selfie takers can be found in abundance on the third floor, where there are small spaces and plenty of well lit mirrors.

The #ballislife squad

At any given time, you can find at least three #ballislife squads hanging around the basement and second floor courts. These are the people playing pickup basketball that looks more like an NBA game than anything else.

They’re loud, smelly, but always look like they’re having fun.

If you’re lucky enough to be drafted into one of these squads, you’ve made it.

The ex-athletes

Contemplating my existence after realizing I’m no longer an athlete

Ex-athletes are easy to spot.

Look for the girl weeping by the window watching swim practice, or the boy angrily sprinting on the treadmill with an altitude mask on.

These are the people who are still in great shape, but not necessarily cut out for BU’s Division 1 sports teams.

They often stop mid workout to mourn the loss of their athletic career.

Listen closely for these indicators:

“I swear I used to be able to run a 5k”

“I think I need a hip replacement soon, is that bad?”

“Hey dude, check out my high school football highlights on YouTube.”
