There’s a pickup artist group coming to Boston on Saturday

The creator has previously said rape should be legalized on private property has organized a meet up in Boston

UPDATE: As of Wednesday night around 8pm the meet up was announced cancelled.


Return of Kings, is set to hold a meet up in Boston on February 6 at the Paul Revere Statue in the North End.

The meet up invites “heterosexual, masculine men who believe men should be masculine and women should be feminine.”


If you take a look at their website, you see a whole slew of offensive article titles including:

“Women Should Not Be Allowed To Vote”, “The Equality Movement Is Allowing Women To Tyrannize Men” and “8 Things That Make A Girl Stupid And Useless”.

A statement on the website says:

“This meeting is for heterosexual men only. If a pretty girl shows up and begs to be a fly on the wall get her number and then tell her to buzz off. Do not allow women to attend the meeting. Is there is a danger I could get doxxed from a feminist? The risk is extremely small.”

The group preaches “neomasculinity” as described in their about section.

look at number 5… lol

If a woman wants to become a member, which according to the site is highly discouraged, she must upload a picture of herself to prove she is “hot” enough. 

The group’s creator, Roosh V, is a 36 year old UMD graduate.

His personal website preaches the same sexist, pro rape nonsense that Return of Kings does.

Obviously these views are protected under the right we have to free speech as Americans, and this group can meet on February 6th for the same reason, but its astounding that people actually think like this.

To all my fellow female Terriers out there, stay safe.

And to all my male Terriers out there, don’t be like Roosh V.
