Freshman finds unidentified object in Warren salad


Luca Ricolfi, a Warren Towers resident was disgusted today when he found what appears to beĀ fur hidden beneath a spinach leaf.

He posted his lunchtime fiasco to the Class of 2019 page where the picture keepsĀ gaining more and more popularity.

“While I was about to eat it I saw that gross ball of wet hair/fur in it” said Luca Ricolfi.

Many students took to the comments to try and identify the object.

Scott Rosario, a spokesperson for BU Dining Services told The Tab Warren Towers are investigating the matter.

“They have already checked all of ingredients at the salad bar for contaminants.”

Although no one really knows what the object is everyone seems to agree that it is some sort of fur.

To find a furry wet friend is always a pleasure, but in this case, it was no treasure.

I guess we’ll just have to stick to the corn beef.
