Let’s all agree we hate the new lamps installed in our dorms

Where are we supposed to plug in our Keurigs?

Over break we received an email from BU informing us our desk lamps would be replaced with new, energy efficient LED lamps.

Housing Services claim this new “technology is mature and has emerged as the most cost effective solution.”

LED lights are supposed to make spaces brighter, use less energy and last much longer than old-fashioned light bulbs, so this was good news.

“minimally impact you”

Or so we thought.

When I got back to campus, I noticed an unattractive grey “thing” sitting on my desk.

I also noticed there was nothing underneath the hutch, where the old light was.

who even makes a lamp like that?

From this realization came a flood of #firstworldproblems.

The stupid lamp doesn’t even fit under the hutch

This means that valuable desk space is being taken up by something I need, but don’t necessarily want. This annoys me.

Now I have less room on my desk for cute mugs and picture frames. Tragic.

It is so ugly

It just really ruins the aesthetic of my dorm room, almost as much as my cinderblock walls do.

Here’s a spooky picture for a spooky looking lamp. It isn’t even that bright.

It wasn’t even plugged in when I got there

I had to crawl underneath my bed to find the plug so that I could actually use this sad excuse for a light source. Way to kick a girl when she’s down BU.

They plugged my roommate’s lamp in, but not mine. I think it was personal.

I now have nowhere to plug my Keurig into

Okay so I know we’re not allowed to have Keurigs in our dorm rooms so I can’t really complain, but our old lamps had outlets that were SUPER convenient.

Now my Keurig is homeless and I am severely under-caffeinated.

My poor little keurig, all alone under my desk

This isn’t the end of the world, but it feels like it.

For tuition being as high as it is, BU could have thought of a more convenient and innovative solution. The new lamps are eyesores and take up space in an already cramped room. They’re cheesy and I guarantee they will break before midterms even come around.

I’m hoping BU comes up with a more permanent solution, but I won’t hold my breath.
