Freshmen reflect on their first semester at BU

‘I learned fortnightly is a weird word and that liking Nickelback is a crime’

Starting college is a completely new experience. From academics to friends, everything changes.

If you’re a freshman about to head home after your first semester at BU, you’ll totally relate. For non-freshman, let’s take a trip down memory lane.

When you find ‘home’

Meghana Dwaraka from Bangalore, India, CAS 2019

I remember how I felt standing in front of an old building that said “Kilachand Hall” when I first arrived on campus. This was the building I was going to call home.

It was not only the new building that I needed to get used to, it was the new country, new people and the completely different lifestyle that I wasn’t previously accustomed to. I was now going to be more independent and more responsible for my decisions than ever – that thought terrified me.

What if I mess up? What if I forget to separate the whites while doing laundry?

But looking back on my first semester, I couldn’t be more satisfied with what I’ve gotten to experience at college. I was pulled out of my comfort zone, faced with difficult decisions, and even left completely vulnerable at times, but every experience taught me something new.

I learned, for instance, that “fortnightly” is a weird word and that liking Nickelback is a crime.

Most importantly, I realized there’s plenty of room to mess up, which is not necessarily a bad thing because it gives you an opportunity to learn and improve.

College has been such a rush, and I can’t wait to find out what’s in store for me next.

When you don’t have to look your best all the time

Jae Bae from New York, CAS 2019

As my first semester of college comes to a close, I have realized I really don’t need to look like I am golfing with Obama every time I leave for class.

So if in the dining hall I catch you and your well-dressed friend staring at me as I stuff eight bananas in my backpack while I’m wearing nothing but sweats and birks, I’ll just throw my useless textbooks at you.

Even though Chemistry 101 was the pit of my freshman existence and I am still emotionally fragile from that class, I am definitely excited to continue my studies next semester!

When you realize it’s a lot of work

Jessica Park from New York, Questrom 2019

It would be the best four years they said… you will have so much fun they said… memories for a life time they said… never said anything about constant pressure of failing.

College is very weird and makes it hard to balance the social and academic spheres, so while it is really fun finals is making me realize that its a lot of work too.

When you need to make the transition

Hallie Coyne from Colorado, CAS 2019

Reflecting back on my first semester, I’m struck by the sheer number of transitions required from high school to college.

I knew logically the change would be large, but I was simply unprepared for how unprepared I would feel. Thankfully, I was also surprised in more pleasant ways, by my roommates and the classes I would enjoy.

I’m glad this semester is over though, mostly because such a radical change will not happen again in my life for at least another four years. Now, I have time to appreciate Boston, and what’s more, I’m beginning to feel at home.

I was simply unprepared for how uncentered I would feel. There was initially the sense that I had missed a stair, and yet had somehow ended up at the bottom, completely wrong footed.

When you find the ‘good’ different

Erin Tichenor from Michigan, CAS 2019

From left to right – Lucy Billings, from Minnesota, CAS 2019 and Erin Tichenor, from Michigan ,CAS 2019

It’s different than I expected – but good different.

My mind was consistently blown by the amount of activities on campus, and the plentiful forums for discussion on current issues have been a new, but eye opening experience for me.

When Friday nights are the best

Shreenidhi Jayaram from Singapore, Questrom 2019

From left to right – Caroline Kohler from Chicago, Sargent College 2019, Shreenidhi Jayaram from Singapore, Questrom 2019, Hu Xiaoqi(Kiki) from Beijing ,CAS 2019 and Julianna Jackson from Michigan, COM 2019

Where do I even start…Freshman year, freshman semester has been absolutely wonderful.

When I started off I wasn’t sure what to expect. Everything and everyone was just so new. I had to start from scratch, as with every other freshman. However,as time went by I started to realise that this is where I truly belong.

The community here is overwhelmingly welcoming and super fun.

I have learned so much in the past few months – from being independent to striking a work life balance. And what’s even better – I have a bunch of suitemates to make llamas with on Friday nights.

Can freshman semester get any cooler?

And we’re done here (only till the spring 2016 though!) Happy holidays and see you back on campus again next spring.
