Going home for break: Expectations vs. reality

No grandma, I did not get a job yet

If you’re going home for Thanksgiving, yay. Congrats. Good for you. Are you excited? Lovely.

But, do you remember last time you went home?

Don’t forget that sometimes your expectations of going home aren’t always what happens.

Let’s break down the break and prepare ourselves.

Being in your house aka doing chores

Being in a place where you don’t have to share every moment with someone else is going to be amazing.

You’ll be able to shower without shoes and walk around naked if you want (you do you) and just think of all the home cooked meals.

If you remember home like I do, it also means doing chores.

Cleaning, mowing the lawn, washing the car, shoveling snow. How magnificent it all seems.

Not really.

This is what I’m going home to and I will have to shovel it

The relatives also known as the interrogators

Thanksgiving is a perfect time to reconnect with your aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparent, etc. But this also means you’ll have to answer questions regarding every single detail of your college life as well as whether you have everything in your life planned out.

They might wonder about that raunchy Facebook photo or whether you really go out and party. The might even demand to see photos.

Most likely to be asked things include: What’s your GPA? Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Do you have a job? What do you want to do after graduation? Are you studying enough?

Doesn’t that sound fun? NO.

Here are some answers: Let’s not talk about me, let’s talk about you. I’m focusing on myself. I’d rather not talk about it. Please leave me alone.

Okay, so maybe not all of those, but you get the point.

Show them a nice selfie of you studying at the Boston Public Library

Seeing all of your old friends….but missing your new ones

Hopefully you’ve met a lot of cool people and like hanging out with them here on campus. But you’re also excited to go home and see your high school friends.

That’s normal, that’s cool.

So you go home and you see them and it’s fun but then you kinda miss being here and talking about your crazy math professor or the really cute TA you share or complaining about the dining hall food.

You miss Boston and Comm. Ave and, dare I say it, you miss the Green Line (okay maybe not).

Things have changed, and before you know it you’re ready to come back to BU and it’s not even Saturday.

No one looks as good as your squad here at school

So enjoy your break, but we can’t wait to see you back here next Monday.
