Why does Sargent serve pizza and soda to nutrition majors?

‘It was almost baffling’

BU’s Sargent College is one of the best schools in the country for nutrition and dietetics.

Their masters program is nationally ranked.

Sargent even collaborates with the dining hall to provide ‘Sargent Choice’ meals that are health conscious and still taste good.

But recently, some students have been confused by their choice to serve greasy pizza and soda to students attending nutrition and dietetics major related meetings.

Not the slices we expected

“It was almost baffling,” said Olivia Wujek (19, freshman, nutrition in SAR)

At the same meetings Sargent College administrators were telling students how to prepare for meeting with future clients in the field of nutrition and dietetics, they were serving arguably some of the least healthy food options possible.

Oh, the irony.

Wujek explained, “I remember I was first weirded out when I came here with my mom at an open house and they were handing out cookies… It’s just bizarre to me because they’re not giving out like apples and water, it’s pop and cookies.”

Another nutrition major, Amanda Chaplin (19, freshman) had a similar reaction to the situation:

“I understand the appeal of it because they think like ‘young kids, they like pizza’ but we’re also aware… we’re in Sargent, especially for nutrition.

“We’re aware of what we’re putting in our bodies… Everyone was weirded out at the meeting.”

Three Sargent students (Wujek left, Chaplin right)

Olivia Wujek noted that she did email an academic counselor in Sargent about the situation, but the response she got was less than helpful.

“The counselor was like ‘Well what do you think we should do?’”

“I just wanted to get it out there because it’s been on my mind. And I know it sounds goofy when you say it to someone but I know that right when I walked in it bothered me.”

Both Wujek and Chaplin noted they have dietary restrictions due to severe allergies and felt disappointed by Sargent not accommodating those allergies.

The two hope shedding light on this inconsistency will enact change towards healthier options at future meetings.
