Terriers’ terrifying superstitions

What are you afraid of?

Whether it’s avoiding the BU seal or being overly precautious during exam time, everyone has a superstition of their own.

We asked Terriers to tell us their weirdest and creepy experiences which might make you believe that spooky things happen.

Ada Bovsunovsky, 19, Economics

What are some superstitions from Ukraine?

I know that black cats, walking under ladders and other typical unlucky things are perceived as bad luck. Also, when you forget something in a room and come back to get it, you’re supposed to look in the mirror before leaving otherwise it’s bad luck.

Do you follow any superstitions?

Before exams I usually take extra precautions because I don’t want to take any chances.  I saw a black cat crossing a road before an exam, and I decided to take another road.

When I’m serving a drink, I usually serve it with something underneath, like a napkin, coaster, or even my hand because if you don’t do that then you’ll be cursed with a bad head (i.e. a hangover or massive headache).

Ryan Ng, 19, Business

What is your craziest superstitious experience?

I’ve had two flights on different “Friday the 13th’s”, and I didn’t crash (cue sigh of relief).

Since you knew you had these flights on a day like Friday the 13th, what were you expecting?

Well I was expecting a lot of turbulence because it’s Friday the 13th.

So I was nervous the whole flight, expecting the worse.

Was there anything suspicious or unsettling on either of these flights?

The most suspicious thing that happened was that it was a smooth flight.

I always joked that I thought I’d crash on those days, but I use my experiences to tell people that Friday the 13th isn’t really a bad luck day.

Lauren Baik, 18, Graphic Design

Do you have any interesting superstitious experiences?

No I don’t, none that I can remember.

What about your take on Friday the 13th?

I definitely think that scary stuff goes on during those days.

I do believe in the superstitions that bad luck follows you around. Some people I know have had weird experiences, but thankfully nothing has happened to me.

I hope nothing ever does.

Botao Shao, 25, Economics PhD

Have you ever experienced anything spooky?

I’m from China and I’ve been in the US for two years now, I never knew superstitions like Friday the 13th were a thing.  I didn’t know it was an unlucky day.

No, nothing has ever happened to me.

Are there any superstitions in China?

Yes, there are a few.  One that is popular is the number four.

It is very unlucky because in Chinese it sounds like “death.”

Estelle Brun, 20, International Relations

What are some French superstitions?

When bread is served, it should be served with the crispy, toasted side on top otherwise you’ll have bad luck.

Also, the black cat is unlucky as is placing shoes on a table.

Do you follow any superstitions?

Whenever there is a cheer or a toast made, I always make eye contact with the others because I really don’t want any back luck – rumor has it, you’ll have bad luck and bad sex for seven years.  Also, I really think that opening an umbrella in doors is bad luck.

I came for the ice cream and got a murder story

My sophomore year of high school I was out with a group of friends on a Friday night just doing the typical group hangout of going to a movie and then getting ice cream.

We decided on a movie called “The Devil Inside,” and it wasn’t until I got my ticket that I realized it was Friday the freakin’ 13th.

I was a little uneasy about watching a scary movie on such a notoriously unlucky day, but I toughened up and the movie wasn’t so bad after all.

Where it all began..

When it was over we walked down the street to an ice cream place and sat down.

Then out of nowhere the place is on lockdown.

Why, you ask?

Because a homeless person was just murdered about 200 feet away.

I was freaking out, and it was scary to know a murderer was on the loose.

Fortunately, he was caught and nothing else happened. It was a pretty unforgettable night, and I am not down for any scary movies on Friday the 13th ever again.

HMU on Saturday the 14th though.

There you have it, Terriers.  Experiences and superstitions alike, be prepared for anything.
