This lucky BU senior ran into David Ortiz twice in one day

‘I kinda became a fangirl’

For Akarsh Vijayashankar, a 21 year old Biology and Psychology major, yesterday began as a boring day of filled with errands.

“I was over at Bank of America around 10.30 because I had to deal with my checking and savings accounts.”

But then, his whole day changed when he looked up from what he was doing.

“I saw David Ortiz walk in and I kinda became a fan girl… I was like ‘Oh my God it’s David Ortiz!’ I fist bumped the manager I was talking to and fist bumped all the employees.”

Red Sox player David Ortiz

Akarsh then saw Ortiz, the hugely famous Red Sox player, walk into a private office. He asked several people around him whether or not he should stay and wait for a picture.

Akarsh, realizing he had a meeting to go to, decided to leave without a picture. However, not long after his meeting, Akarsh had to go back to Bank of America.

“I came back at 11.20 because I had to activate my debit card back at Bank of America. And he was still there.”

As Akarsh was getting ready to leave, he saw Big Papi walk out of the room.

“I was like ‘Oh crap… I should really get a picture.’”

So, like any other diehard Sox fan would do, Akarsh ran up to Ortiz and asked him for a picture. He noticed that Ortiz seemed to be in a rush, but agreed to take the picture anyways.

Akarsh and Ortiz

The picture was soon posted on both Facebook and Twitter, receiving recognition from the largely followed twitter account @OnlyInBOS.

Only In Boston’s tweet crediting Akarsh

When asked Akarsh noted that no Twitter fame amounted from his picture, but he doesn’t really care.

Just to add in a #lowkeyhumblebrag, this isn’t Akarsh’s only recent brush with fame.

Last Thursday he also met one of his role models, Dr. Paul Farmer, who is the founder of Partners in Health.

Akarsh with Dr. Paul Farmer

This just goes to show that you never know who you’ll see while you’re running your Monday errands.
