Your guide to ordering condoms online

It’s like the tooth fairy for adults

Among the many great things that Boston University has to offer, there is one small feat that often goes unrecognized, The Condom Fairy.

Yes, I know. How totally cool is that? You can get your freak on thanks to the Condom Fairy’s amazing FREE condoms.

Here’s the catch.. oh wait, there is no catch because the Condom Fairy really is just this awesome.

Like a ninja, the Condom Fairy discretely delivers condoms to Terriers on campus, without leaving a trace behind.  No one will ever know you have condoms sitting in your mailbox, don’t you worry.

Condoms, or other forms of contraception, are just a click away.

The Condom Fairy provides all you need for safe sex, so there is no excuse to not place an order.. plus it’s free. College kids love not having to spend money.

Step 1: Browse your options

Planning my visit from the homie

One of the many great attributes of the Condom Fairy is that there are so many options for you to chose from depending on your preference.

It’s not limited to male protection, even you lovely ladies can get a female version.

From lubricants to sex toys, there’s something for whatever tickles your fancy.

Do you happen to have a latex allergy?  The Condom Fairy has your back.

Step 2: Answer some non-awkward questions about your sex life

All about love <3

Yes, you are ordering contraception online from a fairy, but the Condom Fairy allows you to feel comfortable during your order.

You’ll get asked a couple questions, mainly about your sexual experiences, why you’re ordering condoms, if you’ve been tested and all that good stuff.

It’s all super simple.

It felt like I was ordering from a good pal.  None of the questions felt intrusive.

Step 3: Send your order to the fairy

And the wait begins

And when your ordering process is over, what better way to send it off than with a good “Boo ya!!”?

Now that I ordered my condoms, when can ya girl get them?

The only downside to is that it takes about 5-7 days to get your order.

But do understand that the Condom Fairy is very busy preventing plenty of other Terriers from having  terrier puppies, so your time will come eventually.

And when it does, you won’t be disappointed because the package is LIT with goodies.

Step 4: Soak in the goodies

Christmas came early

Not only do you get a sticker, but you also get a ton of useful information that you won’t regret reading.

Please be informed. Read, read, read.

But let’s get to the best part…the actual order.

Step 5: Open your condom baggie and enjoy

Consent= Mandatory

It comes in the cutest little baggie, adding to the whole “unboxing” process.


ily Condom Fairy

Thank you Condom Fairy.

Remember Terriers, no glove no love.

Also, there is no limit to how many times you can order. The Condom Fairy always encourages safe sex.

You can place your order here:
