BU’s weirdest Tinder profiles

Did you make the cut?

We’ve all seen or heard about the crazy profiles you can see on Tinder.

Well, here’s some of the funniest that BU students have come across.


Some girls dream of dating Dwane Johnson.

Others will settle for this Rock.

He seems like a solid guy.

The guinea pig that was in every photo

If you know this guinea pig please come forward.

Those BC kids are a strange bunch

It’s not their onesies that would make us swipe left, it’s their school.

Yeah, come on ladies. Where’s your selfie game?

img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-1336″ src=”https://media.thetab.com/blogs.dir/92/files/2015/11/selfies-are-boring.jpeg” alt=”selfies are boring” width=”540″ height=”960″ /> Where are my video gamers at?

He’s only looking for his Zelda

This is too purrrrrfect

The crazy cat lady in me says swipe right.

The hamster

When you spend too much time on a customized Tinder profile…

Awwwwww, look at that face

Hakuna matata people

Would’ve swiped right for Pumba.
