BU’s favorite ‘Netflix and Chill’ movies

Clothing optional

Cold weather is approaching campus, which also means cuffing season is upon us. As soon as the leaves start turning, the number of couples you see canoodling on Commonwealth Ave increase exponentially.

Think about it.

Over the years, our generation has cultivated some interesting courting rituals. A personal favorite of mine is the ‘Netflix and Chill’ epidemic.

For those of you who don’t know, when someone asks you to ‘Netflix and Chill’, what they’re really asking is “Hey, wanna come and hook up with me while some stupid movie plays in the background?”

And from this has come thousands of long lasting relationships…

Just kidding.

But in actuality, ‘Netflix and Chill’ has become a very popular and inexpensive date idea for us college students. And with the vast array of movie choices floating around the internet, picking the right one can be very difficult.

So I went around BU and asked students what their favorite “Netflix and Chill” movies were, and here’s what I got:


Not all of the movies mentioned are actually on Netflix.

Katie DiClemente: 18, freshman, Journalism

The Dark Knight would be my favorite because it’s action packed and entertaining. You need a movie that’s entertaining so it’s not so awkward.

Daniel Miller: 20, sophomore, Economics/Political Science

My favorite ‘Netflix and Chill’ movie would have to be Insidious. I like scary movies and they give people an excuse to get closer together. Plus it’s actually good, not like one of those stupid scary movies.

Lauren Hilliard: 19, sophomore, undecided in COM and Franki Toto: 19, sophomore, Health Science

Lauren: My pick would be something funny like Forgetting Sarah Marshall… so it’s not awkward when you’re hooking up. It can’t be too serious so you don’t miss too much. You need something that you can jump back into quickly.

Franki: I would choose Pineapple Express because it’s funny and pretty much everyone has seen it so it’s good to have on in the background. I can recite lines from it and it’s still funny every time. You don’t really have to pay attention to it.

Logan Bryson: 19, freshman, undecided in Questrom

My favorite is Pulp Fiction because it’s funny and it’s pretty long. There’s enough slightly boring parts to leave room for other activities

Mara McGlumphy: 19, freshman, undecided

My favorite ‘Netflix and Chill’ movie would have to be Pineapple Express because it’s funny enough for the ‘chill’ part of the night to not be awkward.

Garrett Gozdur: 20, sophomore, Mechanical Engineering

I’d say normally leaving it up to the girl is the best option, but Friends is a good fallback because who doesn’t love Friends?

When all is said and done, I think we can all agree that it really doesn’t matter what movie is on in the background of your ‘Netflix and Chill’ date.
