A Halloween skeleton caused a bomb scare in my study centre

‘It has the potential to detonate, so you might want to move over there’

On Tuesday, a Halloween prank went wrong in the general studies department.

At around 12.30pm, I walked into the Katzenberg Center to study for my social sciences midterm.

I usually like to sit in the comfortable lounge chairs adjacent to the help desk, but a creepy-looking mini skeleton dressed up in a tuxedo with two roses clenched between its teeth was in my usual spot.

It caught me off guard and startled me, but only because it was so out of place. I thought it was nothing more than CGS adding a hint of Halloween décor for fun.

I moved to the table behind it and started cramming.

Note the umbrella tucked on his left wrist.

I was deep in thought when a faculty member approached my table and said, “You might want to move, it’s for your own safety.”

What the hell could this guy be talking about? I figured there was some sort of construction going on in the building, or perhaps there was a leak in the roof.

“Someone placed this skeleton here this morning, and I don’t want anyone to go near it until the police are here and ensure it’s not a bomb. It has the potential to detonate, so you might want to move over there,” he said while motioning to a table in the corner.

As if moving three yards away from a bomb would make me any safer.

It was now 12:50pm, meaning I had ten minutes of studying left before I had to go to class. I just gave up and packed up my things.

As I was leaving, a police officer in a very official looking bomb uniform deemed it safe, and I couldn’t help but smile and laugh to myself as I walked by the concerned faculty members who were all shaken up over a Halloween decoration.

Better safe than sorry, I suppose. But I would love to know who put that skeleton there and why they did it…

Hear of any odd campus pranks? Email us at [email protected].

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