Anyone see the Lamborghini cruising down Comm. Ave making it rain pizza?

It’s as easy as (pizza) pie

If you recall seeing a Lamborghini covered in pizza on campus, a giant pizza running around the GSU, or received free Otto’s pizza on Comm Ave, then you got to bear witness to one of the coolest new apps on the market—Push For Pizza.

Me, with co-founder Cyrus Summerlin and the ‘Lamborghizza’

Created by two Brooklynites, Cyrus Summerlin, 20, and Maximillian Hellerstein, 20, the Push For Pizza app allows the user to order a large pizza with the push of a button.

The app keeps the user’s payment information stored so that the whole process of fumbling for cards, ordering over the phone, and scrambling for the tip can be avoided.  With the company’s motto being, “The easiest way to order pizza, ever,” even convenience points for Domino’s seem less…convenient.

Hellerstein (left) and Summerlin (right)

Summerlin says: “We launched Push For Pizza just over a year ago with the idea to simplify the ordering process of a highly ordered object. We picked pizza, well, because it’s pizza.

“Around that time, we also launched a video that went viral and turned our hobby into a full time job.”

He added: “Our tour team consists of Derrick and Javier, both field marketing specialists. Tyler is the full time photographer to document the madness. And Matt is the transporter of the Lamborghizza/intimidating bearded guy.”

The team has been touring college campuses around the nation with the “Lamborghizza,” and Pushy, their giant pizza mascot.

Pushy the Pizza

Summerlin says: “The ideal target market is anyone who likes pizza, but more specifically college aged bros, 1 in 4 of them eat pizza every damn day.”

And the team sure knows how to target students: besides having a Lamborghini, the team gives out free pizza, rolling papers, lighters, and wait for it…SCHOLARSHIPS. Okay, they’re pizza scholarships, but that means free pizza for one lucky student at each university they visit, for an entire semester.

He added: “We’ve been to 20 schools so far and have about 55 more to go! Check out all the photos and videos from each stop at”

Push For Pizza swag

“We’re affiliated with just over 1,200 across the country. Mostly on the east coast.

“And we have 80,000 downloads and roughly half that in users right now.

“We will periodically have $5 large pizza deals at Otto’s and Cappy’s (download the app to get notified). But in the mean time if you use the promo code “CHEESY” you can get 10% off of your order!”

Follow the team on Snapchat @pushforpizza, Twitter, InstagramFacebook and download the app here.
