Winter is coming…to BU

Will Comm. Ave. survive another year of frozen hell?

It’s no secret that last winter was the worst winter, well, ever. The city of Boston plowed enough snow to fill Gillette Stadium around 90 times.

Anyone who hadn’t seen snow before realized that they weren’t really missing anything because snow sucks.

So now, because winter does in fact occur every year, we have to go through it again. We talked to some BU students about their thoughts on the situation.

What was winter like last year?

“There was just an insane amount of snow. You would open your door after a bad snowstorm and you wouldn’t be able to walk outside of your house. People would ski down their driveways.”

Huzefa, Andover, MA, Computer Engineering

Snow outside of Towers Residence Hall

“In Virginia I’m used to school being cancelled when there’s the smallest chance of snow the next day so last year felt like I was drowning in snow. However it did lend itself to cool Instagram pics of me next to snow banks way taller than me.”

Samantha, Ashburn, VA, Public Relations

Samantha’s friend out in the snow last winter

Are you frightened for anything this winter?

“I’m scared for the Boston winter because I don’t know if it’s acceptable behavior here to not leave my room when it’s cold and just watch TV all day.”

-Julie, Millburn, NJ, Film and TV

“I’m looking forward to it! I thrive off of negative energy so the cold will only energize me.”

Garrick, Austin, TX, Business Administration

How are you preparing?

“I want to convince myself to try to cross country ski down the Esplanade.”

-Sammy, San Francisco, CA, Undecided

“I got a winter coat. I got some boots, I have rain-boots, snow-boots, scarves, hats, everything.”

-Emma, Las Vegas, NV, Business

Snow piled along a street in downtown Boston

 Do you have any advice on how to survive?

“Layers are important. And hot chocolate.”

-Sophia, Bethesda, MD, COM Undecided

Sophia pictured on left

“Don’t try and look cute, it’s not going to happen. October, November, you’re like ‘I’m going to look cute in my winter clothes!’ And then December hits and you’re like FUCK IT I’m going to look like a human marshmallow.”

Karina, Westford, MA, Business

Let’s hope things won’t look so much like they did last year.

Winter photos courtesy of Samantha Sontoro
