What is Comm. Ave listening to?

It’s the BU Shuffle

There is nothing more awkward than the walk down Comm. Ave. You pass a plethora of faces, some you recognize and say “hi” to, and others you don’t and can ignore without guilt.

But the real problems begin with those faces you somehow recognize from the depths of Mugar, the darkest corners of the GSU, or the back of a lecture. The faces which haunt this daily stroll and make it a social nightmare for the best of us.

So what is the answer to this age-old dilemma? Obviously, plug in those headphones and ignore all forms of life until you are in the safety of Central Campus.

We decided to interview some students about their favorite song to zone you out to on Comm Ave.

Christina, 20, Journalism

Don’t Tell ‘Em (feat. YG) – Jeremih

“I have to study all day so I need something to keep me awake and hyped for the exam.”

Alexandra, 19, Undecided

Tienes la Sonrisa (feat. Ñejo) – Lil Silvio & El Vega

“I’m from Venezuela so I love Spanish music, and it was on shuffle.”

Alvaro, 18, Mechanical Engineering

All Apologies – Nirvana

“It was the first song that came on shuffle and I stuck with it.”

Lelei, 20, Journalism

Keep Ya Head Up – 2Pac

“Makes me motivated to keep going. Even though I’m not who he’s singing about, it keeps me motivated to get through the day, like I’m in my own little world. Music is a way to stay in that little world with so many people.”

Isabella, 17, English

Go Do – Jónsi

“It’s really upbeat and it’s a sunny day. I’m in a good mood.”

Brandon, 19, Undecided

Right Hand – Drake

“I like the beat, I also like Drake, he’s got some interesting stuff to say. I’m in a Drake mood, not a sad Drake mood, but it’s good walking music.”

Gautam, 22, Computer Science

Bleak – Opeth

“I play the guitar so I like listening to songs with good riffs, good songs, melodious tunes. Really gives me a kick in the morning.”

Brittany, 19, Business Admin and Management

Nothing Even Matters – Lauryn Hill

I like how it’s a mellow beat, but it’s a constant beat to walk to.”
