Every type of freshman you’ll meet at Brown

And how to spot them

Brown’s freshman class has just begun its second semester. For the occasion, the Tab compiled a list of some types of first-years you’ll come across freshman year.

The Uber-Legacy

His father, mother, grandparents, uncle, cousin, godfather, piano teacher and SAT tutor all went to Brown. His father, like his grandfather before him and practically all the men in his family, are Sigma alums and big donors.

These freshmen have been groomed for a Brown education since day one, and seem to either work hard or play too hard once they get in.

How to spot one: Knows everything about the campus and your professor recognizes their last name.

The Alumni Magazine

 The S/NC abuser

He’s decided he wants to be an actor, a chef, or maybe do Trump-style politics after college. He doesn’t want to go to grad school, so why bother with grades? He’s already lined up all their classes and is now eagerly waiting to change the grading option to S/NC on all four courses he’s registered for. These freshmen will have unique college experiences, and we will all resent them every time finals come around.

How to spot one: The person taking it really easy during finals week.

The Preppy Kid

One of the most famous college stereotypes out there, preppy kids are all over campus. Some are jocks, some are legacies, some are in A Cappella… you’ll meet them everywhere.

How to spot one: Often very recognizable thanks to the Ralph Lauren shirt, khakis and Sperry boating shoes.

The Brown/RISD dual degree students

Chances are you haven’t met one of them yet. There are only a handful of them, and their workload is massive. If you thought your pre-med classes or engineering pre-recs were rough, it’s nothing compared to what our artsy classmates go through.

How to spot one: You probably won’t.

The International Student

“My mom is Austrian and my father is Peruvian. Portugal will always be home, but I’ve lived in Norway, India, Australia, Lithuania and Senegal. I speak 8 languages,” is more or less the answer you’ll get from this multicultural bunch when you ask where they’re from.

How to spot one: Recognizable thanks to their impeccable style and the trail of cigarette smoke that follows them everywhere, they can often be heard reminiscing about the good old days when drinking was legal for them.

No need for fakes in pubs

The One-Man Spirit Squad

This person has so much school gear, it looks like they’re leading a Bruno pep rally. Don’t be fooled though. You probably won’t catch this person at a sporting event anytime soon.

How to spot one: Summer or winter, rain or shine, this freshman has spirit from head to toe wherever they go.

Too much gear

The Night Crawler

Out most nights of the week, this student lives at night and seems to flee daylight. You wonder how they survive with such a high alcohol intake and such little sleep. And while you’re struggling to stay on top of everything, this person is probably getting straight As.

How to spot one: This freshman is at every party, and you see them every time you go out. Every. Single. Time.


Brown University