The Thanksgiving survival guide every Brown student needs

Why don’t you come home more often?

For those of us heading home for Thanksgiving Break, these days off from school will hopefully mean catching up on sleep, indulging in some non-campus foods and spending time with family.  But let’s face it, sometimes these family gatherings mean catching up with an uncle or aunt we see once a year or a second cousin three times removed (whose name we can only vaguely remember).

With this in mind, it’s important to have an artillery of answers to respond to the generic questions that will be coming our way. Here’s your guide.

Are you seeing anyone?

Usually, conversations start off with the innocent “How are you?” and “I haven’t seen you in ages!” But once they’ve lured us into a false sense of security, family members decide to cut straight to the chase with more personal questions.  To answer, we can lie — or simply say we are focused on school and work.  Or scream.

Ly’s boyfriend meets the Dang family

What is your major concentration?

Well yesterday, I thought I wanted to concentrate in The History of Eating and Sleeping (#opencurriculum #independentconcentration), but today I’m drawn towards Biology.  Tomorrow, I’m feeling a little on the lines of Literary Arts.  By the end of this week, I will be undecided.

Follow up to above question:  What do you see yourself doing with that?

Panic ensues.  Start impromptu Google session.

Plz hire me

Did you lose gain weight?  You look taller!

Personal experience has taught me to respond with nervous laughter and slink away towards the table of food, plate in hand, ready for a second serving of literally everything.

Note to self:

The Freshman 15 is not a lie.  It is real.  So real.

How are the grades?

Peachy.  Just peachy.

Translation: Finals are right around the corner and I have 102938912395871 papers to write and 18702948695816287269846752 hours of lecture capture to catch up on.

Have you thought about what you are going to do over the summer?  Do you have a job or internship lined up?

I really want to take the time to see what I want to do and pursue.  I’m not sure at the moment, but I know that I’ll spend my time doing something useful and meaningful to me.

Translation: Eat. Sleep. Breathe. Sleep. Repeat.

Why is it that you don’t come home more often?

*Very Excitedly* Because going away from home makes me miss these family gatherings even more when I’m back!




The Tab hopes you all have a good holiday!

Brown University