Tapping in with The Tab

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Get to know The Tab team. Here’s what we are listening to, watching, drinking and more.


Head of Events

Current Jam: I Wanna Go by Summer Heart. Can’t stop. Won’t stop.

Tab launch party

Watching: Lately I haven’t been playing more card games then keeping up with the tele, but I am super excited for Beyond the Sea to debut November 13th. Because Brad, Angie and the Stones.

Drinking: Any red wine, specifically Malbec, under $15. Bottles makes it easy.

Eating: Everyone knows Geoff’s two for Tuesday is the greatest thing that has ever happened to Tuesday, but not everyone knows about good ole “Slim” Jim O’Neil (shout out to my fellow plant enthusiasts). It’s made of lettuce, tomato, onion and alfalfa sprouts with horseradish, (which is known to help you fight the common cold). Enjoy!
Current Jam: Donald Trump’s SNL Skit, Hotline Bling. It is so alarming, I can’t stop.

Watching: Narcos. I’m obsessed. If you haven’t started yet, be careful if you have any midterms coming up. It’s the most recent of Netflix’s high-budget drama, featuring the infamous cocaine drug lord, Pablo Escabar. It’s exceptional.

Master of None. this show is hilarious for any demographic, but especially if your parents are international.

Drinking: Dave’s Coffee on South Main Street. They have the most delicious Honey Latte, which is the best remedy for winter weather that I can find.
Eating: Mill’s buck a shuck. That is one dollar oysters from 4-7pm. Heaven. They are amazing and a cheap and easy treat-yo-self.
We’ll keep tapping along to some of of our favorite jams — be on the lookout for more from us.

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Brown University