Dorm sweet dorm: How to decorate before the semester ends

Your life condensed into 300 square feet (give or take 100 square feet)

Do you remember back in September when you promised yourself this year, your dorm room was going to be organized, everything would coordinate and all your decorations would be the envy of everyone else on your floor?

Two months in, books and papers are strewn over each and every corner of the room and those DIY decorations you were hoping to hang on the walls have turned into an eclectic array of various online purchases. (Thank you, Amazon Prime.)

Overwhelmed by the beautiful off-white hues of chipped cinderblock walls? The Tab has the tips and tricks for your room to be transformed to an episode of PVD Cribs.


Command hooks: If your GPA won’t stay up, at least your jacket will.

Storage carts: For all those essential items that you thought you needed but forgot about.

Bed risers: Most ideal for last minute “cleaning.”

Decorative posters: “I have interests, I swear” and “I am very up-to-date with pop culture.”

Photos: Chipped paint is obviously aesthetically pleasing, but photos and chipped paint?  Who could ask for more?

Fairy/Christmas/mood lights: Pinterest 101. Bonus points for having photos hanging on string.

Rugs: Tan-on-tan color schemes can only be appreciated in moderate doses.

Though it’s understandably difficult to express yourself in 300 square feet or less, if you just close your eyes and if you have a good imagination, this task shouldn’t be too difficult.

So take these tips and tricks and send us a picture of your super decked out room. (But let’s be honest, our rooms will never look as good as they did during Parents’ Weekend.)

We’re on [email protected] or message us on Facebook.

Brown University