The definitive types of people your friends become during debates

Studies show viewers were either all in or wishing to be anywhere else

We are in the thick of the debate season, and as with any political event, there are bound to be many viewers who vary in involvement, intensity, enthusiasm and overall intelligence.

Here are the seven different types of debate watchers.

The drinker

The viewer who makes the debate a drinking game. He or she usually knows the candidates pretty well and understands the key phrases or issues that will be mentioned. They will say what to listen for and when to drink. Whether or not you join in, the drinking game will go on.

The annoyed

They actually hate politics and want nothing to do with it. Usually forced to watch the debate by a friend or significant other, he or she is hating every minute and is desperately plotting ways to leave. Person is accompanied by a scowl and a refusal to be any fun.

The future politician

This watcher lives and breathes politics, wanting to run for office in the next couple years. Always on the edge of the seat, soaking up all the knowledge and wisdom from the candidates. They will probably still be talking about the debate weeks later and mentioning tips and techniques learned.

The refuter

The viewer who is the only conservative watching the Democratic debates or liberal watching the Republican, and will make it known within the first minute. Probably will make a comment about being ready to slay every argument made. They will not stop talking about the idiocracy and the ignorance of all the candidates, even those in the lead. Conservative/liberal values will be emphasized over and over and over again. 

The dazed and confused

The one who does not understand anything about politics, nor really has any desire. Most likely dragged along by a friend or a significant other. Trying desperately not to act confused, but cannot help express a look of exasperation by failing to keep up.

The overly enthusiastic

The party’s number one fan. Probably already saw Hillary speak in NH and maybe even attended one of Bernie’s events if Democratic, and might own a Donald Trump cardboard cut-out if Republican. Is most likely wearing a shirt supporting one of the leading candidates. Will most definitely make small talk with you about how great the Democratic Party is and how Obama is killing it in office, or the opposite if Republican. He or she is glued to the TV, standing right next to it, as to hear every word.

The enlightened

The person who came to the debate not knowing a ton about politics, but by the last hour is super interested in knowing more about the candidates and their respective in general. Starts to gush about how amazing politics are and comments on how he or she wants to do more research on each candidate’s stance on particular issues. A little over the top, but makes you excited to see that vivacity.

Brown University