Have you met the six-month-old Boxer who chills in the weights room?

This week’s BPOC is the strongest of them all

If you’ve ever been to the varsity athlete weight room, then you’re sure to know this week’s Big Pet On Campus.

Name: Bear

Age: Six months

Sex: Male

Breed: Boxer

Likes: Chewing, eating slippers, playing

Dislikes: Shots at the vet, listening, rules, sound of crinkling newspapers, carrots

Celebrity crush: Tom Brady

Relationship status: “He hasn’t had his first kiss yet.”

Bear has a huge crush on Caddy, Men’s Varsity Lacrosse Coach Kip Turner’s puppy.

As hard as Bear tries, Caddy is still playing hard to get.

Favorite Varsity Team to play with in the weight room: He plays with everyone

Does he even lift? Yes, he can pull a 90 pound load

Favorite exercise: Sled pulls

Preferred music to Listen to while lifting: Ke$ha and Bruce Springsteen Pandora stations


Does your pet have what it takes to become The Tab’s BPOC? Email me at [email protected].

Brown University