The inevitable problems of living on Newton in the winter

Other than the commute, of course

If you’ve lived on Newton, you’ve definitely complained about the bus before. Or the distance. Or getting around. Or all of the above.

But what about living on Newton under piles of snow? Let’s enlighten our friends who have been lucky enough to evade this situation.

Steamy bus rides

When the temperature drops to the 20s but it “feels like 4,” (thanks, iPhone), heated buses seem like a blessing -until they’re not. Like during the 2 o’clock bus rush back to Newton, when all personal bubbles are popped. Suddenly your parka, sweater, hat, scarf, and gloves become your greatest enemy. Insert fogged windows and unzipping of jackets.

Wow, what a beautiful view!!!

Non-heated bus stops

Even though we have TransLoc, it’s not always correct. Actually, it often leaves us hanging. Think of the last minute on the washing machine: 1 means 5 years. Some buses don’t even track on the app, so the arrival of a bus is a game of chance. BC, heating lamps in the bus stops might not “beautify campus,” but they’d beautify our hearts.

The Duchesne Hill

Blurry because I’ve slipped while trying to snap a pic

If it’s not shoveled, you can be certain that you’ll probably be sledding on your backpack to get to your dorm. If it’s not your backpack then it’s your tailbone. Take your pick.

The walk to the Hut

I know you like working out in t-shirts and shorts, but you might not even have the motivation to leave the building if you don’t bundle up. Once you’re off the elliptical, feeling hot and sweaty, it’s time to put your winter coat back on – so it gets hot and sweaty as well.

The Weekend

If you’ve mustered the motivation to roam the mods, in the freezing cold, when you might not even get in, go you. Getting from Newton to Lower is a commitment, and oftentimes our commitment issues come out in this situation. You’ll spend time praying that next year you get Walsh, so on weekend nights you never even have to venture outside of your building.

Boston College