You should live in the Mods instead of the new building

The choice isn’t as difficult as you may think

With the housing lottery only a few months away, rising Boston College seniors will need to make a crucial decision: Is is worth it to forgo a Mod in hopes of living in the new building?  

If you are even considering this option, I can ensure you that you are making a terrible decision.

Yes, the new building is new. No students have occupied the dorm ever, and it would be nice to live in a space that doesn’t smell like old decaying plaster. Additionally, you would be able to say that you were the first class to ever have the chance to live in the new dorms, which might appeal to you.

However, you must not undermine the significance of what the Mods offer.

Before I even attended BC, I was told stories of how incredible the Mods were. From the short commute to class, to arguably the wildest party scene on campus, it’s hard to deny that the Mods don’t have a lot going for them.

Sure, the Mods may not be the cleanest of living areas, and large parties are often broken up before 1 AM, but even still, the legacy outweighs the drawbacks.

Speaking of drawbacks, there are plenty to consider if you’re leaning towards living in the new building.

With a brand new untouched living area, you can assume that administration will want things to remain sterile and in good condition for those living there in subsequent years. What does that mean for you? Well don’t expect Walsh 2.0, or even Gabelli for that matter. Although most of the occupants will be at least 21, RAs will likely still be strict.

Ever heard of the broken windows theory? No one will even want to do anything in the new building, whereas the Mods are already dumps, ripe for partying a plenty.

If that hasn’t convinced you enough, consider the fact that the infirmary will be the located on the base floor of the building.

Why does that matter? With police and Eagle EMS regularly bringing kids in and out of Health Services on weekend nights, there will be an influx of officers around the dorm, preventing any type of uncontained partying. (Not to mention you may catch the Norovirus, just from exposure). 

Even if you remain undeterred by my advice, at least understand that you’re only a senior in college once. The Mods may not be the most clean, quiet, or ideal spot for you, but being able to say that you had the rare opportunity to live and party in the Mods will be something that you’ll be able to tell your grandkids one day (assuming they’re still standing at that point).  

Boston College