We asked Auburn students for finals week advice

It’s honestly terrible advice

Finals week is definitely the most stressful week of the entire semester. Cramming, energy drinks and all-nighters are all commonplace.

So we asked Auburn students for the best advice and strategies they use while they’re shooting for that 4.0.

“Margs every night.”

Your local Mexican restaurant is the second best place to study (stay tuned for the first). Bring your books and notes, but make sure not to get queso on them. Treat yourself to large margs every night.

“Don’t sleep…”

Who really needs sleep? Just chug some energy drinks and coffee and you’ll be set for sure. Don’t worry, you will feel so focused by the time you take your exam.

“Take a shot every time you get a question right.”

Reward yourself for success.

“Take a shot every time you get a question wrong.”

Drink away your sorrows.

“Write drunk, edit sober.” – Hemingway

All of the best writers followed this advice, right?

“Go out every night and don’t study.”

Finals week is actually just one big party. The bars will be packed with all of your friends and the biggest parties of the year will happen this week. Be sure to hit all the specials.

“Hook up to relieve stress.”

You know, sometimes you just need it.

“Avoid any studying at all costs. You think it helps, but it really doesn’t help in the long run.”

Is there really any point to studying?

“Mandatory Little Italy ‘study break’ from 12am-2am.”

Your local pizza place is the #1 best place to study for finals. It is quiet, has cheap food and you can order a pitcher to reward yourself for 15 minutes of studying. Plus, who doesn’t love beer and pizza?

“When the professor says the exam is ‘cumulative,’ he means that it’s optional.”


“Put vodka in your water bottle when you go to reviews.”

Take a shot every time your teacher says, “you can’t study for this the night before.”

“Sleep. They say you’ll be able to focus better if you get sleep, but my philosophy is I can’t panic about having nothing finished if I’m asleep.”

If you’re asleep, what can you worry about? Hopefully you won’t have nightmares about finals, though.

“Do NOT go to the library to study. Only go to get free donuts.”

Free food is the number one priority during finals week. Set alarms on your phone so you can wake up from your nap to get food. Get to the library before 11:50am – run if you have to – to get free donuts. The library will be really empty and boring, so you probably shouldn’t go there, anyway.

“Wing it.”

As I stated before, studying doesn’t actually help. You have a solid ‘C’ in the class, so I’m sure you’ll do great on the final covering the entire semester. Just say no to studying.

“Study the day of! Works great!”

Just roll out of bed and read over your notes 15 minutes before your final. This way, you will have more time to sleep and recover from going out the night before.

“I don’t have any finals tips – I only pass them by luck.”

As long as you have luck on your side, you have nothing to worry about.

Disclaimer: maybe you shouldn’t follow any of this advice.

Auburn University