We asked how you celebrated A-Day

You can feel the SEC pride

Each spring at Auburn, the university celebrates Founders Day by hosting a football scrimmage. All of the loyal fans pack the stadium in what we call A-Day.

Thousands of students and alumni fill the seats to get a glimpse of the current team and what fall will hold. And like the regular season games, the scrimmage brought out the tailgaters.

The Tab Auburn spoke with a few fans about their predictions for the upcoming season.

What’s your favorite part about A-Day?

My favorite part about A-day is that it feels like it’s getting closer to football season, which is a really fun time and brings good memories.

How does A-Day compare to an actual football game for you?

Well, an actual Auburn football game day is more intense, naturally. You get the whole SEC football experience that A-Day alone cannot bring. A-Day is much more relaxed.

Are you excited for A-Day?

Yes. I feel the SEC pride, the Auburn fans everywhere, people tailgating – it’s great. On days like this, Auburn really feels like a family.

What’s your favorite A-Day meal?

We like to go to Toomer’s Corner and buy the lemonade. Also Mike & Ed’s BBQ is another place we like to eat.

What’s your most memorable experience from A-Day?

My most memorable experience from A-Day was actually the first A-Day I had ever been to. It was back in 2009 and I saw Cam Newton during the scrimmage game, but at the time I had no idea what this guy was about to do for this Auburn football team. But yeah, it was also my birthday and I got to spend it with my dad who I hadn’t seen for a while, so it was nice.

Apart from simply watching the team scrimmage, there is a lot more to A-Day than meets the eye. For some, it’s a simple reminder of how awesome our football team is and what we should look forward to in the fall.

Auburn University