Your guide to preparing for a tornado at Auburn

Honestly, most of this is about food

If you didn’t know already, the state of Alabama and City of Auburn were in a State of Emergency last night. But you probably already knew, as the rain flooded the concourse and golf-ball sized hail hit your car parked in RO.

Here are a few things you can do to occupy yourself during the next storm.

Stock up on goodies

First and foremost, stock up on provisions. Whether that be ice cream, cookies, or gluten free mac and cheese, it’s necessary to be prepared in the event of an actual tornado.

Make some nado’ worthy food

Gotta love some chicken and dumplings

Prepare first aid kits

Use the time to do homework

Watch a movie with some sweets

Magic Mike is always a good choice.

Play a few games

But only if you’re 21+

Take shelter and stay dry

Auburn University