A single girl’s guide to Valentine’s Day

No one knows your candy preference better than you

It’s that time of year again. The time when stores sell an outrageous amount of flowers and chocolates, couples post Instagrams with sappy captions that make you want to vomit and you’re once again reminded you’re single.

If you’re not sharing this day with a special someone and you dread this day for the whole year, you’re doing it all wrong. This is a guide to help you make the most out of your Valentine’s Day as a singleton.

Have a “secret Valentine”

Friends are some of the most important people you will have in your life. In college, you spend the majority of your time with them and they each have unique qualities you love.

This is the day to let them know how special they are to you, so draw names from a hat and buy a gift for whoever you draw. If your friends are cheap, round them up, throw a party and enjoy a night out with the people who love you the most.

Rack up your Instagram likes

Instead of annoyingly scrolling through your Insta feed looking at all the cute couples, post a selfie and caption it with a love letter to yourself. People love a good narcissistic post. Your followers will think you’re funny and super confident, and the likes will come rolling in.

Treat yourself

I ordered chocolate covered strawberries and bought flowers for myself. I love me.

Instead of pretending you like the box set of chocolates someone gave you, go out and buy your own. No one knows your candy preference quite like you.

Netflix and chill…alone

Nothing is more frustrating than two people trying to decide what Netflix show to watch. It’s very rare you guys will agree on the same thing.

If you’re single, you won’t have this problem. After you buy your favorite chocolates, pour yourself a glass of wine, pick the movie/TV show YOU want to watch and plop yourself on the couch for the night. You have no one to impress but yourself.

On Sundays we brunch

Nothing is better than eggs benedict served with a mimosa. Valentine’s Day is on a Sunday this year, so wake up, dress up and meet your friends for a Gossip Girl-style brunch.

Take advantage of your V-Day weekend. Surround yourself with people you love the most and treat yourself.

Auburn University