A few things Auburn taught me

You’ll definitely get lost in the Haley Center

College is the time you’ll move out of your comfort zone and embark on an adventure that will ultimately determine your future. Your family isn’t around as much to tell you what to do, and your decisions and choices are your own. You’ll make mistakes, but you’ll definitely grow and learn from them.

You’ll learn a lot in the classroom, but you’ll learn even more outside of it. Here are a few things Auburn has taught me over the years.

It’s OK to feel lost

If you go to Auburn, you’ve had a class in the 100 million-year-old eyesore that is the Haley Center. It’s the tallest building in Auburn and the hardest building to navigate. I’m a senior and I still don’t know my way around.

If you look around, you’ll see everyone is just as lost as you are. As Troy Bolton said: “We’re all in this together.” You may get lost, but you’ll eventually find your way.

A few panic attacks won’t kill you

Auburn Football in Jordan-Hare will be one of the most exhilarating and stressful experiences of your entire life. Our team will have you grinding your teeth one minute to rushing the field the next. Does the 2013 Iron Bowl Kick Six ring a bell? Let me fill you in.

Auburn and Alabama were tied 28-28 with one second left. Alabama misses the field goal, Auburn’s Chris Davis catches the ball and runs it 100 yards to the opposite end zone scoring a touchdown. I thought I was going to die during that game, but I made it out alive.

8ams are the devil

Some weeknights, you might want to go out with friends. You tell yourself you’ll be home by 11pm. Wrong. You end up flopping onto your bed at 2am calculating how much sleep you’ll get if you fall asleep right that second.

Morning comes and you wake up 20 minutes before class starts, so you sprint across campus hoping the hot guy who sits next to you won’t be there to witness your tragic appearance.

Little Italy is your second home

This is the best place to socialize, and begin or end a night out. It’s basically the equivalent of Central Perk for all you Friends lovers. Shocktober is the best month of the year.

Thirty-one straight days of $5 pitchers to enjoy with your closest friends, while scarfing down a slice of pepperoni and pesto pizza. Also, their ranch – I need someone to carefully gift wrap it and personally deliver it to my door step ASAP.

Going out is healthy

For all of you step-counters out there, you can easily reach your goal of 10,000 steps in one night. The key to success – thanks DJ Khaled – is walking to 17-16, dancing around the bar, walking to Quixotes, dancing some more, walking to Sky Bar, briskly walking away from that creep who tried to grind all up on you, then fidgeting in the bathroom line and praying the girls in the stall finish their crying session.

Now, gather up all your friends and hit up Little Italy for a late night snack. Then walk home. Look down at whatever device you use to count your steps, and there you go. 10,000 steps – you’re welcome. Stay fit.

Get involved

The transition from high school to a college with 27,000+ people can seem a little daunting. The more involved you are, the smaller the school becomes. Plus, it’s a great way to meet some of your closest friends you’ll keep forever.

Cherish your friendships

The people you meet in college become your second family. You’ll experience so many new things, face various obstacles and learn so much about yourself.

It’s important you have the best people around you to get through this crazy time. They’ll be there for you at your best and your worst times.

So keep them around – they’ll have blackmail on you for days.

Auburn University