An ode to Arizona Sonora, Coronado’s affordable, messy cousin

It’s beautifully imperfect

Those who want high rises and the good social atmosphere present in the park district but don’t want to sell a kidney to pay dorm rates find a home in Arizona Sonora. Oh and the rooms are huge which is nice.

Everyone’s heard stories about Park District. Who hasn’t heard there’s cops in front of Coronado every night. Whether you live in historic or highland district you’ve visited a friend in Park and been greeted by fresh vomit or packs of people, boisterous and friendly….and completely sober;). Welcome to college. It’s just like the movies, or is it?

Taken the morning after Thirsty Thursday last week, AZSO Residence Hall Sonora Side

We’ve all seen movies about college, we’ve sat apprehensively watching, waiting for our turn in paradise. Many teenagers have fantasized about being the next Van Wilder or going to a college as fun as the one depicted in the movie. However some have abrupt realizations after the initial euphoria of college wears off. They encounter negative emotions not present in the films we watched in middle school and high school. Feelings like home sickness and anxiety, contradicting teenage college mythology. Those feelings are okay, college isn’t perfect, but it’s still awesome.

Note from past resident, 7th Floor Arizona Sonora

Walking the halls of AZSO one is bound to stumble upon a few stains, some fresh, others recently dried. The stalls are peppered with graffiti, they tell stories of the 7th floor trap house and cloud 9……..shout out to room 727. The building has history, told by generations of residents before us. A big part of college is exploring new things and getting out of one’s comfort zone. It’s about doing stuff you’ve never done before and meeting new people even if it’s imperfect and uncomfortable. It’s about recognizing things aren’t always perfect. Life isn’t good or bad it just is. Sonora isn’t pristine or horrible, it doesn’t try to be something it’s not, it’s messy, fun and flawed, it’s beautifully imperfect which makes it a great place to live.

People make life worth living, humans are social creatures and Sonora feeds our natural urge to find companionship. It’s one of the largest dorms on campus, so its teeming with new people to meet. You’ll forget about your summer fling and ex-boyfriend or girlfriend in a few weeks. Those one surrounds themselves with helps to define them as a person and ultimately influences their future. Thousands of individuals with different backgrounds, cultures, and personalities come to the U of A and it’s reflected in the dorm community. You’ll make friends and enemies, and most importantly you’ll grow and mature.

Good times at Highland Market

Coming to college is intoxicating, both literally and figuratively. The sense of freedom and energy on campus is euphoric. We’ve all started a journey of self-discovery, my starting point was AZSO and I couldn’t be happier.  With time we’ll have experiences and develop new and unique perspectives on the world. In the morning I’ll wake up to fans, expelling the smell of somebodies yak from Thirsty Thursday and smile as I enter a campus full of energy, passionate people, and endless experiences.

University of Arizona