What a U of A Date Dash is really like

Come see how

Friends are forever, and what’s more fun than going on a mysterious date with them, drinking and taking cute pictures? Need a hint: DATE DASHES.

For all of you who don’t know, Date Dashes, are super fun especially when you go with your friends. It’s a Greek Life affiliated event where getting dressed up for fun, doing each others hair is acceptable. Traditionally, it’s a Sadie Hawkins type dance but we(my roommate and I) decided to go against the norm.

So, what I’ve done was a little bit of undercover reporting while also participating in the single life events. Follow with me through the my journey of a single woman at the University of Arizona.

“Hey do you want to go to my sorority’s Valentine’s Day Date Dash with me tomorrow?” my roommate Micalea asked me. Of course I respond with a “Hell yeah!” Not only do I enjoy the idea of dressing up for an occasion, but I also love the idea of Date Dashes. 

Outfit choosing

 Red, red, red. I whipped out these two dresses, but which one will get the rose tonight? I guess you’ll just have to keep reading.

Getting ready

Keeping up with the Date Dashes, painted nails and polka-dot hairdryers are much needed. And of course, a frat soda and some tunes are always a PLUS.

Picture with date

Roomie and I go Vintage and snap with cute photo before the big night.

The drive to the venue

Let’s just say, things got a little weird.

The venue and events that followed

The Venue was a few miles from campus and the smell of EDM music, catered food and gitty sorority girls poured out of the doors as we entered. Being 22, my roommate and I made our way to the adult drinks (which were extremely over priced) and listened to the DJ play his interesting remix of the Storm Troopers march. After we sipped down our drinks we of course made our way to the photo booth and food:

The night was coming to an end and our feet were aching so we made our way back to the buses. We did the “being single” thing in a fun and memorable way. I asked this cute couple if they were together,

and they said, “Yes, yes we are.” Aw, well that’s cute Sarah and Brandon but this year the love of friends is what’s hot and steamy!

I will say, I’ve never had such a fun night with such fun people. Nothing to worry about and no boys to bother us. Just me and my girls. Tune in next time to catch the hottest bars for each day of the week.

University of Arizona