To our moms on Mother’s Day

Long story short, moms are the best

As J.K. Rowling once said, “He didn’t realize that love as powerful as your mother’s for you, leaves its own mark.” Moms have a way of still influencing us no matter distance between. I still hold that the love I have for my mother and the love she has for me will never be matched.

So here are nine girls who love their mother with everything they have.

Kendall Siewert

 My mom will always give me her sweater even though she’s cold and she already told me to bring my own. She supports me wholeheartedly in the “feminist thing” and I love her so much for encouraging me to follow my dreams. I can always count on my mom for a “that’s my daughter!” Facebook comment.

She makes me laugh and will always pick up the phone for me, even in the middle of a meeting. I love you Mom, and you deserve the best day ever!

 Sophie Maeter

I definitely inherited my sick selfie skills from my mom. She’s always willing to be goofy or classy depending on the situation, and doesn’t bat an eyelid at any of the ratchet things I’ve done.

I like to think I’ve inherited her badass attitude and her drive, and I hope I can live up the to her fabulous example of how to be fun and successful without losing appreciation for the wacky things in life.

Laila Husain

The best thing that I’m so blessed to have gotten from my mother is her resilience. As a newly divorced single mother, she raised me while getting a double masters and taking care of her mother who was battling stage four Ovarian Cancer, and none of it could’ve been easy for her. No matter how large the obstacle that comes in her way is, she always finds a way to overcome it or get around it, with the biggest smile (and perfect hair).

She could be having the worst day but always find light at the end of the tunnel, and as a result, has never let me stay in a bad mood for too long. She could have hours of work ahead of her but still be willing to squeeze in some sort of adventure or a Ben and Jerry’s run. She inspires me to try my absolute hardest in everything I do and be proud of myself irrespective of the outcome, and to know that nothing can conquer you unless you let it.

Katrina Margolis

I got two of the most important qualities I can think of from my mother. The first is compassion. My mom feels more deeply and passionately than anyone I know. She is loving and welcoming without reservations or judgments. The other is strength. I know she’ll say she didn’t give me this, but her resilience and strength is unparalleled.

Natalia Buenaventura

My mom is one of the strongest people I have ever met. Her perseverance and determination will always continue to inspire me. I love that she pushes me to do the best I can and taught me to never give up on whatever it is I really want to do. She is beautiful, caring, loving, strong, intelligent and I could have never asked for a better role model, friend and sister-look-alike.

Cameron Vest

In elementary school I learned how to forge your signature on Friday Folders, because one of us (usually me) was forever forgetting where the slick packet was – in a cubby, or under a car seat. In college I study your copies of Eliot, Plath, and Bishop, and marvel at how alike our handwriting in the scribbled margins has become.

You say children grow up and grow away, but we wear the same dress size, and the same green eyes, share the same drive up and down route 29, love of summer storms, and late-night truck-stop pie.

I am so proud to say I am one of those girls that looks like her mother, sounds like her mother. And when moments arise that I find myself acting like my mother, I know I’m on the right track.

Love you so much, Mumford the Wheeze!
(Also, thanks for letting me borrow all your books for the past twenty years.)

Ashlee MacDonald

How do I even begin to describe Karen? Picture the class of Audrey Hepburn, with the fierce protection and loyalty of the mom from The Blind Side, all the while adding the fun of Lorelai Gilmore. She’s remarkable. You’ll never meet a more selfless person in your life, and not just to her children, but to anyone in her life.

No matter what I throw on her, she’s in. She has the perfect balance of mom and friend – from cutting up my strawberries for me because I complain biting into them is too cold for my teeth, to suggesting impromptu shopping trips and going out for lunch. No matter what I put her through she’s there and she understands.

I always say what I miss the most about being home is simply hanging out with her – running errands, going to yoga, and having wine nights. She’s the absolute best for getting life advice because she reminds me to just take it one day at a time, and doing my best will always be good enough.

What more could you ask for in a mom? Oh and she’s in way better shape than I am, it’s a tad annoying. If I can be half the woman she is one day I’ll be impressed. Talk about the perfect role model for any girl just trying to figure her life out.

Sarah Pritchett

My mom gave me the courage to care whole-heartedly for people. From her, I learned compassion, and how to be truly considerate of other people. I would not be the same person if it was not for her. She is my rock, the best support I have ever needed.
Thanks, Mom, I love you!

Lauren Woodrell

My mom and I always get mistaken for sisters, this used to annoy me but now I take it as a beautiful compliment. Everyday I see my mom looking back at me in the mirror. Everyday I say something that my mom would say or say something with her accent. Everyday I do something that my mom would do.

I am becoming my mom and I could not be more excited to see how much I will be like her as I get older. She is one of the strongest people I know but also insanely compassionate. However, if you cross her or hurt her family she will confront you because she is also a total bad ass. Newly dyed pink “peek-a-boo” hair and all.

University of Virginia