Students for Trump are building a wall on Old Main

No bad hombres

If you’ve walked past Old Main within the last hour, no, you’re not hallucinating. Students For Trump are literally building a wall. But, there’s more hidden meaning than you may think.

Dimitri Loutsik, who referred to himself as Sam Hyde, and Chris Howe, Vice Chairman of Students for Trump, eagerly explained to me the club’s overall mission and more specifically, the real meaning behind the wall they’ve built around the American flag right in the middle of Old Main.

What is really surprising is how symbolic their project actually is. We see a makeshift wall, but they explained some “discrete” significance behind it. For example, they built the wall around the American flag on Old Main, visualizing how a real wall would “protect America from the outside.” When I noticed a small opening in the wall, they explained  this was to symbolize how “America is still inviting people to come inside, but only legally.” Still, “no bad hombres,” according to Sam.

Directly, they’re trying to seem inviting to those on campus and have some “open dialogue” about the election, the wall and other policies. They’ve been trying to call people over from afar, wanting them to come and chat.

They say even though there’s many people who are ignoring them, they’re still walking by and noticing what they’re doing. Chris Howe explained that he believes the “silent majority” does in fact support Trump, and wants them to know that it’s okay to be a Trump supporter, especially on a campus where “there’s a lot of stigma revolving around Trump.”

When asked the kind of reactions they’ve been getting, Sam and Chris said they’ve been getting some pretty weird looks from people and lots of photos being taken.

“Only one rude remark has been made,” which you can probably guess, was “F*ck Donald Trump.” Even then, he still took a picture of the formation. So, in the eyes of Students for Trump, it was still a success.

They did say though that not one Hillary supporter has come over to chat. So, if you’re with her, you know where to find the wall.

Sam and Chris said they’ll be at Old Main for “as long as they can” today.

Penn State