Of course the artist behind The Charging Bull is pissed that the Fearless Girl is taking up his space

Are you surprised?

In the world’s most #NotAllMen move ever, the artist behind Wall Street’s the “Charging Bull” is upset about the addition of the “Fearless Girl,” a statue that was added on International Women’s Day, saying it demonizes his work. The bronze statue features a little girl in a power stance facing down the bull, along with a plaque that says, “Know the power of women in leadership. SHE makes a difference.”

The statue, which is the work of artist Kristen Visbal, was initially praised around the world as a monument to strong women. Artist Arturo Di Modica, however, is apparently not a fan.

“The Charging Bull no longer carries a positive, optimistic message. Rather, it has been transformed into a negative force and a threat,” said Di Modica’s attorney, Norman Siegel, in a press conference. “Clearly, a deliberate choice was made to exploit and to appropriate the ‘Charging Bull’ through the placement of the ‘Fearless Girl’.”

Di Modica has called for the city to move the piece. He said he’s upset that his sculpture, which he installed in 1989, is no longer a symbol of “freedom, world peace, strength, power and love,” thanks to the “Fearless Girl.”

Personally, I’m not sure how “peaceful” a statue of a bull charging at you horns-first can be, but message aside, I feel for Di Modica. How annoying must it be to have a monument to women taking the attention away from your 28-year-old statue? I mean, it’s been there for so long, and then suddenly this girl comes in symbolizing women’s rights and totally invades your space? Like she think’s she deserves it or something? The audacity.

Some, like the firm responsible for “Fearless Girl,” might argue that the bull is a symbol of Wall Street, notoriously a men’s club, but Di Modica says that he supports women’s rights – as long as they’re not getting in his way.

“Women, girls, that’s great, but that’s not what that (sculpture) is,” Di Modica said in an interview with the New York Post. Weird, because we all thought it was.

University of Michigan