Will Iowa actually pay your tuition if you get hit by a CAMBUS?

Settled once and for all

You’re walking to class repeatedly reciting to yourself your homework to do list for the week. Four assignments, two research papers, a quiz and two midterms to study for, all by the end of the week. As you blindly step off the curb, a CAMBUS zooms by, narrowly missing you.

For years it’s been a popular myth among students that if a university vehicle, like a CAMBUS bus, were to hit you, the university would be liable.

We contacted the University of Iowa Parking and Transportation Department to find out if there was any truth behind this myth and heard back from Brian McClatchey, Manager of CAMBUS.

There has never been a UI policy that the UI would be responsible for paying a student’s tuition if they are hit by a CAMBUS bus. It is a myth that has persisted over the years.

In reality, all accidents, be they with vehicles, property or people, are evaluated individually in regard to determining the liability of the parties involved. Any claims paid would be based on this determination of liability and the damages incurred by the parties involved.

Turns out we’ve been wrong about this for years and even CAMBUS knows it. The University of Iowa in fact will not pay a student’s tuition if they are run over by a CAMBUS, how disappointing.

So students, no matter how miserable college is making you feel, try to refrain from throwing yourself in front of a CAMBUS. You’re just going to end up with hospital bills and a whole lot of make up work.

University of Iowa Cambus myth University of Iowa