Attending NCSSM before college was the best decision of my life
I will forever be a unicorn
Before going to college, I spent two years at North Carolina School of Science and Math, known as NCSSM. And from the great friends I made to the ridiculous classes I took while I was there, it was one of the most interesting and challenging times of my life.
Despite the numerous all nighters I pulled, I made some great memories. There were so many things that made my time at NCSSM an incredible experience – one that I wouldn’t change for the world.
The competition
Going to a school where everyone was most likely number one in their class made for an atmosphere unlike any other. I was used to being the smartest student in class, so I was shell-shocked when I finished my first week at NCSSM. It quickly became apparent I was no longer the smartest – not in the slightest.
Having that kind of competition actually helped me in the long run. Students had their own specialties in different subjects, so it helped to work with others to get the grades you wanted. The atmosphere encouraged cooperation to succeed.
The sports
As a school of “nerds,” you wouldn’t expect us to be good at sports, right? Well, you’d be wrong by the highest degree. I was personally part of a team that won a state championship, and my team was not the only one to bring back a State Champ title.
The people
Just meeting the people who attended NCSSM would have made the choice to attend worth it. Everyone wants to do well and see their classmates succeed. It was truly a community that was there to help you.
Dorm life
Dorm life was quite an interesting experience. The antics some people got up to were actually quite astounding. I lived with 35 other people on my hall and had two random roommates.
The things I saw on that hall astounded me sometimes. We shared a lot of laughs and probably just as many arguments, but through it all, I loved living on that hall and all the guys on it.
No cars, only buses
Without the use of cars, we had to think outside the box if we wanted to travel anywhere. Personally, my most exhausting/fun trips were when a group of friends and I went to the quarry. The quarry was pretty far away – far enough that it took two and a half hours to walk back to campus after we missed the bus.
And hey, missing the bus may been my fault. Some of the girls with me were wearing flip flops, so the walk back wasn’t exactly pleasant. Needless to say, they still haven’t let me forget it.
Through all of the long nights, the drama and the incredible classes, I had one of the best times of my life. I would not give up my time at NCSSM for anything.