Map explaining Uber surge zones in Boston released today

Uber surges break more hearts than BC’s housing lottery

Today, released a map of the city that outlines the main geographical zones affected by Uber surges.

Unfortunately, BC is in the surge zone.

Yesterday at the Internet Measurement Conference in Tokyo, a Northeastern research team presented its study on Uber’s algorithms for determining surge pricing. NPR conducted its own follow-up study to test Northeastern’s (because we should never trust Huskies), and confirmed their original findings.

According to BetaBoston, Uber confirmed that the map of Boston is roughly accurate.


These Uber receipts brought to tears to Eagles’ eyes

Back to BC from Sissy K’s

Junior Eric Lavoie said: “The next morning I woke up and checked my trip history and realized that the trip happened during a 2.0x surge period and ended up costing me $70.

“Worst morning of my life.”

When your Uber to the train station costs more than your train tickets >>>

Another junior, Becky Siegert, said: “It pains me to think about it.”

Have a more cringe-worthy receipt? Send a screenshot to [email protected]

Boston College