Best movies to watch over Thanksgiving break

What to watch during your food coma

Thanksgiving break is a time to rejoice, relax and reminisce. With so much to do, from preparing meals and making small talk at the table to black Friday shopping, a perfect way to spend some quality time with your family and unwind is to watch a movie. Check out some must watch films this holiday break


This all time classic is perfect no matter how old or young you may be. Everybody loves little Leo and the relationship between Jack and Rose reminds us that our hearts will go on. Yes, this move is long, BUT you definitely will not want to move for a few hours after scarfing down a huge Thanksgiving meal.

A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving

This Emmy award winning TV special is the epitome of a great Thanksgiving film. Even if you have seen the 25 minute film every year near the holidays, no one can seem to get enough of Charlie and the rest of the crew. Plus, you can even watch this quickie in between rounds (it’ll make the time between the main course and desert fly by)

Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump is a family favorite. It has many important lessons embedded throughout, which is always good during the holiday season. As the years pass by (through out the movie and in real life) we will always remember that life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.

Planes, Trains and Automobiles

Considered to be the “Best Thanksgiving Movie Ever” by Rolling Stone, this movie depicts the holiday as it really is: stressful, chaotic, and VERY overwhelming. For a reminder that you are not the only one going crazy, definitely check this box office hit.

Love Actually

Sure, Love Actually revolves around Christmas time, but what better time to get into the holiday spirit than right after unbuttoning your jeans and getting cozy on the couch?! This romantic comedy warms our hearts and encourages us to get up and go catch those black Friday sales, so we have great gifts for the holidays!

Jack and Jill

What could be better than one Adam Sandler in a movie? Two Adam Sandlers! This film reminds us that no matter how unbearable some family members may be, they will always be your family—put on a happy face around the holidays and learn to love what you have.

The Blind Side

An atypical football movie, The Blind Side focuses on the things that matter most in life: love, compassion, and dedication. This movie encourages us to truly be thankful for family and friends and not to overlook the importance of every individual.

Home alone

While Home Alone might be a Christmas movie as well, as soon as you take your last bite of turkey, holiday season preparation officially begins. Sit back, relax, and laugh over the highest grossing Christmas movie in North America of all time.

Bored during your Thanksgiving break? You no longer will be after checking out these films. Happy Thanksgiving!



University of Wisconsin