How to survive midterms without going crazy

I promise, everyone survives

The bluebooks, number two pencils, scantrons, and large iced coffees can only mean one thing –midterms. The ever so dreaded midterm season is upon us and can be quite overwhelming. While midterms might seem like the end of the world (basically the end of your social life for a hot sec), I promise, everyone survives. Here are some tips to make it through midterms without going completely insane.

Eat Healthy

Eating under pressure can be tough. Some people tend to binge eat when they are stressed, while others simply don’t eat at all. It is important to eat a nutritious breakfast, lunch, and dinner especially when preparing for an exam. After all, a healthy diet leads to a healthy mind!

A healthy breakfast to start the day off right

Stay Organized

Studying can be made a whole lot easier when everything is in one place. Take the time before midterms to organize your notes, so that you don’t mix up information. This will make preparing for midterms a whole lot less stressful.


I know it might be hard, but TURN YOUR PHONE OFF! Believe it or not, you will be just fine without checking Snapchat every five seconds. Receiving an A will feel a whole lot better than commenting on your friends profile picture.

Do what works for you

Whether you prefer studying at 9 a.m. or at midnight, make the most of your time. Do not let other people tell you when and how to study. Only you know when your brain functions best.

Take breaks

Studying for hours on end without looking up from your notes will drive you crazy. For your mental health, get up every so often and take a break from your work. Walking with your friends or watching Netflix both act as great ways to get your mind off your work.

Make a study schedule

There is no point in reviewing material you already know, so strategically plan out when you will focus on certain topics. There is no feeling more relieving than crossing items off your to-do list.


A great way to keep a clear and healthy mind is to get some blood pumping. This will not only serve as a nice break but also as a way to keep your muscles moving!

Be confident

Confidence is key! You know more than you think, so don’t let tricky questions mess you up. Wear your favorite test-taking shirt and use your lucky pen to remind yourself you got this!

Midterms can certainly cause anxiety and nervousness. As long as you stay on top of your work, the pressure should not really get to you. Remember to be cool, calm, and collected. Best of luck everyone!

University of Wisconsin