How much is it really costing you to skip class at Wake Forest?

You could have bought 177 Krispy Kreme doughnuts for missing a Tuesday

Wake Forest is known for a lot of things – its beautiful quad, consistent top 30 academic rating and, unfortunately, being bloody expensive. To our dismay, it seems just when you think tuition can’t possibly get any worse, it’s raised, yet again. Sigh.

During our busy day to day life on campus, sometimes we purposely try and push away the thought of how far in debt we’re going, and take classes for granted. Whether you killed it a little too hard at Last Resort the night before, studied all night for that big accounting exam, or simply can’t make it out of bed for your 8am course – we’ve all skipped class before.

Skipping class may give you a glorious hour and 15 minutes of free time, but how much is it really costing you?

This year, the total yearly cost of attending Wake Forest is $66,582 (don’t hate me for reminding you.) With room and board, meals and other expenses coming in at $17,260, that leaves $49,322 for tuition. That means the cost is $24,661 per semester.

Assuming each Wake student takes an average of 15 credit hours a semester, each class costs roughly $4,932 in total. With an average of 14 weeks per semester accounting for school breaks, each class that meets two times a week (T/TH) costs a grand total of $176.

To put it bluntly, every time you skip a class you are throwing away 176 dollars you could have used for other things, such as:

177 Krispy Kreme hot and ready doughnuts…

5 student ID replacements…

8 cases of beer…

22 stacks of pancakes at Midtown Cafe…

35 nights out at Last Resort…

7 workout classes at Pure Barre…

44 grande coffees at Starbucks….

17 extra pit swipes…

Or, 88 late night Cook Out runs…

So next time you’re laying in bed wondering whether or not to hit the snooze button, remember Wake Forest is too expensive to just play around.

Wake Forest