Every reason VT is infinitely better than Clemson
What kind of school motto is ‘All In!’?
So the Hokies are headed to the ACC Championship (not that we ever doubted them) and we’re facing the Clemson Tigers. Therefore, it is necessary to remind everyone, Hokies and Tigers alike, why we are clearly the superior team and school.
The Hokie Bird > The Tiger
Really? A tiger? That’s super original and doesn’t lack creativity at all. It’s okay that they didn’t have enough school pride to completely made-up a mascot like we did.
Our food > Their food
Clemson’s in the South and should therefore have delicious, oily southern comfort food but looks like we got them beat in that area too. We were ranked best food how many times? Too many to count, thank you very much.
Campus showdown winner > Campus showdown loser
We’ve won the PINK showdown TWICE and Clemson haven’t won at all. That just proves that we have more school pride, thus we are better.
Our campus > Their campus
Theirs is classic and safe, but does their campus look like something straight out of Harry Potter? No it doesn’t. Our campus is magical and doubly impressive because we actually make our own stone. From scratch.
Best quality of life > life
We were ranked the best quality of life of all college campuses. They didn’t even make the list.
T.O.T.S. > The Esso Club
Yes, Blacksburg is a small town but, dammit, we know how to party. We have a whole street dedicated to having a good time at the cheapest price almost every night of the week and they have a bar that was gas station.
Fuente > Swinney
Coach. Of. The. Year. IN HIS FIRST SEASON. I think I’ll just leave it at that.
Ut Prosim > All In!
Not that we’re bragging or anything but our school’s motto is “Ut Prosim”, a.k.a. “help others.” Theirs is “All In!” All in what? All in where? Ours is clearly better.
Most fit college > Do they even lift?
I bet we could bench more than them. We were named the fittest college and they weren’t even on the list. Again.
Enter Sandman > It doesn’t even matter
Metallica. Enough said.
We’ll see you soon Tigers.