Things I would do differently if I could do Vandy all over again

More office hours, less frat boys

As second semester seniors, life is really starting to pack heat (hang dong). Right now, we’re all preoccupied with figuring out what to do and what not to do next year. In this hectic time, we easily lose sight of enjoying our last semester at Vanderbilt, and remembering all of the good times we had here. Unless you’ve landed an $80k consulting job with Deloitte. You’re probably going out most nights. Congrats to you.

But somewhere, in the back of all of our minds – or the forefront if you don’t have a job yet – is looking back fondly upon all of the good times Vanderbilt has given us. As a wise (lol) senior, with 20/20 hindsight vision (lol), I would have changed a lot of things about my college experience. Maybe some other seniors can relate. Maybe not. Freshmen, perhaps consider this as a warning.

Take advantage of the ‘Common’s experience’

I did not. I took advantage of my dorm room and Hank’s large size so that I didn’t have to meet anyone. Strangely enough, I’m good friends with a lot of my freshman floor now, but I definitely wasn’t at the time. The opportunity to meet people on Commons is off the charts. Do it. Make friends.

Ok, this photo makes Commons look like shit but just take my word for it

Explore more of Nashville

Nashville is a unique city. That’s a really poor understatement. Vanderbilt is 10 minutes from downtown and 2 hours from the mountains. We have all kinds of music, not just country. We’ve got some killer food – and Bread and Co doesn’t count. Nashville also has Tyler the barista at Cafe Coco. I love you, Tyler.

Don’t go here actually. This is my spot

Go to office hours 

I literally never did this. And here I am scrambling for letters of recommendation and also passing grades. Get to know your professors.

Not only are they brilliant, but they are also very fun and interesting people. S/o to Dr. Phillips from Gen Chem.

This wad my orgo TA junior year. I stalked him on facebook for this photo. Nice guy.

Don’t just hook up 

It’s fun for awhile. But after sophomore year it loses its charm.

Don’t have an invite only party in your ass with a Beta’s cock. It leads to a lot of emotional disappointment and frustration. At least wait for a hookup who will respect you.

This is really sensual

Be more politically aware and involved

College campuses are centers for activism and liberal thinking. Capitalize on that. Learn others’ opinions and struggles so that you can better form your own. I often can’t partake in informed arguments about things I care about. There is no excuse not to do this. Take a policy class. Go hang out on the wall. Read Vandy’s Political Review. Learn.

Perhaps if I had paid attention on this trip I would have learned something

