UVA boys prove to be the least romantic ever

We’ll let the screenshots speak for themselves

A UVA girl relays her trials and tribulations with the lack of chivalry that she has encountered on grounds. These texts belong to her and her friends and not myself. 

Coming from the Northeast, I thought that I would come to UVA and find boys that were unconditionally respectful. Boys that were raised right. Boys that hold the door open for me as I enter my male-dominated engineering classes. Simply put, boys like the ones in Nicholas Sparks’ novels (still waiting for Liam Hemsworth to save baby turtles with me).

Now, I don’t wish to make generalizations about the entire male population here at this pseudo-Southern university. I’ve been lucky enough in my first year to meet my fair share of kind and caring gentlemen. However, when the sun goes down in Charlottesville, all hell breaks loose.

I’ve come to learn that on Grounds, the chivalry and southern charm that I envisioned being present at UVA is still somewhat intact (after all, I can’t remember the last time I had to open a door for myself). When the weekend rolls around, however, all bets are off…

Boys at UVA seem to have a very different idea of chivalry than I.

They enforce the honor code


They send you touchingly personal invitations

They care about your commute to ‘chill’ with them

They take interest in your life

They invite you to date functions (and expect ‘favors’ in return)

They inquire about your friends

They keep it simple


They know the magic word: ‘please’

Needless to say, when the sun goes down on the Corner, the southern charm that I so naively expected of UVA is lost. It seems as if UVA boys have their own twisted idea of chivalry, and they somehow still get away with it all.

University of Virginia