Spring semester resolutions

We’re not calling them ‘New Years’ resolutions because these are actually going to come true

Every January it’s the same story: #newyearnewme #gains #makingchanges #thisismyyear #whyarehashtagsevenathing?

Gyms and online dating sites get the most new members in January when people feel the need to kick off the new year with a drastic change to their personal lives. These actions get the reputation of being short-lived, but the idea behind often empty declarations of New Years resolutions is nonetheless valid.

Self-improvement and personal growth are very attainable when not attempted as a huge change just because the clock strikes midnight.

Here are some more manageable ways for Hoos to be the best versions of ourselves, one spring semester day at a time.

Don’t take yourself so seriously

Talk about a useful care package

In the wise words of NFL quarterback Aaron Rodgers, R-E-L-A-X. We stress out all the time about getting work done, getting in the right classes, applying for things, and of course, grades. While we’re here to get an education, don’t be too hard on yourself. Try to remember more often that you’re doing the best you can, so what more can you ask?

Pick up a new skill or hobby

Mini peach cobblers I made without burning my house down, remarkably.

Master something that you never thought you could. Maybe this will be the semester you finally conquer the UVA bus system, or visit the Fralin Museum of Art more.

Actually use all of your meal plan

You’ll be able to see things like this little guy (he looks like a Quinten to me) decorating Newcomb during the holidays.

I avoided the dining halls so much in the fall that I found myself with way too many unused swipes by the end of the semester. Make a conscious effort to grab lunch with a friend from class and appease parents telling you they think it’s delicious.

Mature your vocabulary

Drop the term “on fleek” but still apply it to your eyebrow(s) routine.

Terms that become popular on the internet are fads: sure they’re entertaining, but there comes a time when enough is enough. Do you really want to keep calling people “bae” in 2026?

No, just like how today you wouldn’t want to be that guy still yelling “WAZZZUPPPPP” after ten years (those Budweiser commercials are literally from 2006).

Embrace the scary exciting nature of the area

Notice my appropriate hiking attire.

Charlottesville, and Virginia in general, are actually gorgeous. Hike Humpback and go to nearby Skyline Drive. Or if that is a little too much nature for you then at least work on not screaming when you make eye contact with a squirrel (I know it can’t just be me).

Go to more UVA sporting events

If Santa and his 8457304 twin brothers can make it to a football game, so can you.

Besides basketball, this semester there will be plenty of tennis, baseball, softball, lacrosse, and more to go around. Find the calendar here.

Check in with your parents more

Thanks, girl. Seriously though YES.

Walking to or from class is the perfect time to catch up a little and assure them they raised you right.

Emotionally invest less in social media

Is this how you take a selfie with a dog who only lays down?

Social media can definitely be a fun distraction, but don’t let it get you down if it appears that the people around you have it way better than you. Remember, people usually only broadcast the positive parts of their lives on the internet but that doesn’t represent ALL aspects of life.

Enjoy the little things more

Whole Foods is the freaking best.

Take the time to be thankful for the things often overlooked. I know I am so incredibly fortunate for so much, and when you live each day remembering that your perspective is a little more grounded and honestly happier.

Go to the libraries as much as you can

Finally, no dirty looks for jingly boots in the McGregor Room.

Since it’s no longer finals, the libraries are finally getting back to normal capacity. Become a regular, especially during the day rather than night to help encourage getting assignments done earlier instead of later.

Make healthier choices

I think that’s how it works.

Everyone can work on being a little healthier, just make sure you do it on your terms. Whether it’s cutting back on sweets each week, going to the gym a little more often, or getting more servings of vegetables, do what is actually plausible for you.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: moderation is key to everything.

Remember the world is much bigger than you

I feel like all of life’s questions can be answered by It’s a Wonderful Life.

“All you can take with you is that which you’ve given away.” Frank Capra was a genius. As much as Jimmy Stewart’s character George Bailey wanted to travel and explore the world on his own, he stayed by his family’s side during hardships like the Depression and World War II to have a positive impact on his entire town (if you haven’t seen this film make that your number one spring semester resolution).

As much as we get caught up in our own lives and problems, we need to remember how we exist among all kinds of people. Some people need our help, while we need others’ help too.

Consider how your words and actions affect those around you. We may never understand how much of an impact we make on someone, but if we consciously work to make those impacts positive, then I think spring semester of 2016 should be pretty great.

University of Virginia changes gym new year resolutions uva