What your Spring Break trip says about you

If you’re going on a service trip, you’re basically an angel

Spring Break is right around the corner. Soon enough, you’ll be laying on the beach or laying in bed watching Netflix. But unfortunately, there are many a midterm that stand in the way of you and your beach bae. What better way to procrastinate your last few responsibilities than to find out what your spring break trip says about you!

If you’re going to the beach:

You are the life of the party. You love to have fun, which usually involves you getting drunk, hitting on the lifeguards, and passing out by 10 p.m. Luckily, you will wake up the next morning ready to go at it again! Your parents are also very strict so this is the only spring break trip they would let you go on and you definitely told them that the rooms were NOT co-ed. Don’t worry, we won’t tell on you.

If you’re going home:

You are very sensible. You’re tired from all of the studying you’ve been doing for those midterms before break and just want to rest. You’re very close with your family and really just want some good ole home cooking. You’re also lazy af and don’t want to organize a trip or have to do laundry.

If you’re going out of the country:

I hate you. Just kidding – only a little. You’re going somewhere exotic or European or whatever – proving you are super trendy and probably the ‘cool friend’. You have connections and can actually afford to go somewhere that requires a plane ticket. Your parents are probably very lenient and dgaf about the possibility of a “Taken” situation in a foreign country. You’re a very chill person with cash, so let’s be friends. Please, take me with you.

If you’re going on a mission trip or service trip:

You’re just a really good person. You are actually going to be doing some good during your time away from school. You are very kind and giving, and you are definitely the friend that everyone goes to during you’re advice. We all know you’re great, so don’t rub it in my face on social media by posting about how many children you fed during your trip.

If you’re going on a family vacation:

You are a saint. You are leaving your friends behind while you take on the task of road-tripping with your family to Disney or wherever your younger siblings want to go. You’re also super smart. Vacation with your family means free everything plus you get to travel. It’s really a win-win situation. You’re probably super cute and easy to get along with and  you might just be a Virgo. If you couldn’t catch on, I’m going on a family vacation. Prayers will be accepted.

Be safe out there. And be sure to throw U-N-C no matter where you go– we are waiting for you on Overheard.
