Your guide to not tripping on UNC’s campus

Beware the bricks, bus drivers, and bars

We hear a lot about tripping, especially considering one individual’s tendency to do so on that other blue team down the road. But, there has always been one reason behind even the most poised UNC student’s demise: bricks. Tripping over bricks has become a running joke, but you really don’t understand it until it happens to you.  The bricks jump out at you when you least expect it.

Some claim their status as a true Tar Heel early during their first year, others earn the honor late in their career. Point is, we all suffer through this rite of passage at one point. What you may not know, though, is that there are so many more opportunities for life to trip you. Here’s a guide to avoid tripping basically anywhere but a brick path – we all know that’s impossible:

On the bus

Watch out for those bus rides. Sometimes the drivers get a little excited when they accelerate and everyone standing has a new game to play: longest to remain standing. I can speak from experience and say this is no easy task. Try to snag a seat – and if thats not possible, don’t let go of the nearest handle.

In the classroom

We all know those people who are overconfident in class and smile every time the professor says their names. We get it, Bobby, you think you’re smart. Check your ego and you just might not trip over it.

At the bar

During nights at the bar, try not to drink too much liquid courage when you’re on the lookout for your new bae. Otherwise, you might be on your way to finally talk to the person you’ve been eyeing all night and fall right on your face Miss-Congeniality-style.

On the way to class

Pay attention when you’re walking. It can be easy to trip over a shoelace or a fellow Tar Heel on even the smoothest of pavements. One of the easiest ways to prevent the embarrassment of tripping would be to put your phone in your pocket. I’m sure nothing too important will happen on your social media accounts in the 10 minutes you walk to class.


Look out for yourself out there. Don’t get tripped up. Sorry, I had to.
