Gossip Squirrel UNC is the page you never knew you needed

XOXO, Gossip Squirrel

There are some things in life that you never know you need until you see it on your Facebook timeline. The Gossip Squirrel UNC page is one of those things.

At UNC, we all tend to have a love-hate relationship with the furry rodents, but this page is definitely worthy of love. Instead of gasping at a squirrel jumping out of a trash can, you’ll laugh because we’ve found the squirrel version of ‘lonely boy’ Dan Humphrey.

The page is based off of hit teen book and television series, Gossip Girl. Even the Upper East Side can appreciate the ‘Southern Slice of Heaven’.

Yes, we want to know your secrets, Gossip Squirrel. Here are some of their best posts:

We love to hate you, but we still love you anyway.

It’ll always be a squirrel for you, friend.

Gossip Squirrel is all of us when it’s cuffing season. Alone and on tinder. Swipe right, squirrel boyz.

We do, we really, really do.

The page hasn’t been updated since early 2016, but it’s still Upper East Side worthy. To whoever Gossip Squirrel is, please come back because we all need you.


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