All the things you said you would do over Winter Break and didn’t

You said you’d apply for internships but instead you’re catching up on Netflix

People–listen up. Remember when you kept telling yourself “I’ll just do that over break” during those endless presentations, midterms, projects, and papers? Yeah, I’m talking to you. It’s time to take a look at how many of those tasks you actually haven’t completed. You’re welcome.

Applying to internships

You’re an upperclassman and you’re starting to realize that postgrad jobs all require experience. And maybe you’re not as on top of your game as some of your friends are because you haven’t gotten any skills in your career field. You know that this summer you should apply for something, but instead you’re pushing those applications off until the last minute. I see you with your friends when you should be updating your resume.

Catching up with your high school friends

You know that friend you texted during the semester asking to meet for lunch when you got back? You still haven’t seen their face, have you? You won’t realize until it’s time to go back to Chapel Hill that you never saw Teresa, but by then it’ll be too late. So text her – Prison Break is not a valid excuse to avoid all human contact.

Working/Begging for more money in that sad little savings account

It’s no secret that college students are broke. Part of the reason for that is because you keep buying Jordans when you should actually be saving. Why are you like this? Why? Do you really need Cookout every night? Give yourself a little something to finish the academic year off strong. Future you will be so thankful for past you.


It’s not too late for this one. You probably went into break with every intention of hitting the slopes, or maybe you wanted to road trip to Miami for that warm weather. You quickly realized how much time and money that would take and you lost your excitement. But think about it again – maybe instead of going so far, you could take a day trip the mountains. Anything’s better than moping around your hometown complaining that there’s nothing to do.

I’m pretty sure this fluffy duck is single if you ran out of options

Finding a significant other

Most of the holidays are over, so congratulations on making it through single. You’ve got a nice little break until Valentine’s Day, so  you can postpone freaking out about perpetual loneliness.

Cleaning your room

