We can FINALLY nap in the meditation room

‘Now that the Union has officially authorized naps, I can’t wait to try it out’

Yesterday, the Carolina Union Board of Directors voted to officially amend the meditation room policy. From now on, all UNC students are free to use the space for napping.

Those who had previously discovered the meditation room would arrive to the secret, dimly-lit haven, only to read the rules in full, and leave disappointed.

The newly amended rules

“Yeah, I’ve seen the room”, said Ben, a first-year. “But I have never napped there. There are rules posted for a reason. If it were a room for napping, it would obviously be called the napping room.”

The Union posted their momentous decision on Twitter Tuesday morning, racking up more than 27 retweets and a whopping 57 favorites.

“You know, I never thought to use the meditation room for purposes other than meditating”, said Kate, a senior. “But, now that the Union has officially authorized naps, I can’t wait to try it out!”

Since then, students all across campus have been celebrating, saying things like “I thought this was already a thing” and “lol, thanks CUAB.”

This day will certainly go down as a truly historical moment in UNC’s history, and as one of the largest student “wins” ever. Now, students wait with baited breath on the newest amendment decision: Will students FINALLY be able to sit in the grass on the quad? Stay tuned.
